I contacted Mr. Touzet in December 2014 when I was hit on my 1981 CX500 Honda. It was just after work, and I was traveling below the limit in the right lane on Orleans Avenue in New Orleans, when an SUV crossed into my lane to turn right. He cut in front of me, causing me to crash into the side of his vehicle. My bike was smashed, my leg was broken, and I was hurting all over. Needless to say, I was in need of help, and my classic bike was likely totaled.
Mr. Touzet and his associates swung into action immediately by going to the scene, interviewing witnesses, getting the police report and securing video of the accident from a local merchant. His quick action guaranteed that no witness testimony or video were lost. Once the claim was filed, he pressed for action with the insurance company of the guy who hit me. Not only were my injuries serious, but I had poured a bunch of money into the bike with aftermarket parts and various upgrades, and my nice riding gear was ruined.
Mr. Touzet researched what my vintage ride was worth and set about getting a fair price for it. Once he got that, then negotiated a really low buy back for the bike from the insurance company. He also had the insurance company reimburse me for a new helmet, gloves, jacket and pants. All of these items added up to one large property damage check and Mr. Touzet did NOT take a percentage of that money. I kept it all!
Having the option of buying the salvage was great. I got to keep the bike title so that I choose to either fix the bike or sell it for parts. Mr. Touzet then pressured the insurance company to tender full policy limits for my injuries. In other words, we maxed out the policy coverage, and I cannot describe how grateful I was to know that I did not leave a single dollar on the negotiating table. Thanks to Mr. Touzet’s hard work, the case was completed to my satisfaction, and if anyone needs a motorcycle accident lawyer, I recommend him highly.